Dog Pretends To Be Sad To Get Parents' Love | Pets Town

Dog Pretends To Be Sad To Get Parents' Love | Pets Town

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Let's get this straight, you are here because you love pets. And for that reason, we got you. It is the Town's policy to bring you funny and cute pets every day. So, GET READY!
It seems like this dog is a bit selfish, always picks on his brother. Bentley, like any sibling, feels jealousy towards his brother Piper, who seems to get a bit more love from their parents. Bentley does everything to mess up with Piper. Is Bentley just a selfish troublemaker?
The story of @dennis.gerard

β™₯️β™₯️ Thank @dennis.gerard for sharing such a heartwarming and touching story. This story will help everyone have a day full of energy!

Let's get this straight, you are here because you love pets. And for that reason, we got you. It is the Town's policy to bring you funny and cute pets every day. So, GET READY!

#PetsTown #Pets #Funnyvideos #Pig

By: Pets Town
Title: Dog Pretends To Be Sad To Get Parents' Love | Pets Town
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