DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND - New Motivational Video

DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND - New Motivational Video

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DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND - New Motivational Video
#disciplinedthinking #motivationalspeech #reprogramyourmind
In the vast landscape of the mind's domain,
Where thoughts and emotions interweave,
There lies a need for discipline, to train,
To bring clarity, and help us believe.

Discipline your mind, oh seeker of truth,
Harness the wild stallions of thought,
For in their chaos lies a burden of proof,
That only through discipline can be sought.

Let not distractions pull you astray,
Like whispers in the wind, they tempt and sway,
Stay focused, steadfast, your purpose in sight,
Discipline your mind with unwavering might.

When doubts arise, like storm clouds in the sky,
Stand tall, unyielding, to their fierce cry,
For discipline is the shield that will protect,
Against the onslaught of thoughts that infect.

Practice the art of stillness, calm and serene,
For in silence, clarity begins to convene,
Meditate on the essence of here and now,
Discipline your mind, and you will learn how.

Embrace the power of mindful intent,
Direct your thoughts, let negativity relent,
Choose thoughts that uplift, inspire, and ignite,
With disciplined focus, your mind takes flight.

Through discipline, wisdom begins to unfold,
As the tangled threads of the mind are untold,
Unveiling the truths that lie deep within,
Discipline your mind, let the journey begin.

So, in the tapestry of your thoughts' design,
Weave discipline, a thread so divine,
For in its embrace, you'll find freedom untold,
Discipline your mind, and watch your life unfold.

Joe Vitale
Joel Osteen
Robert Greene
Les Brown
Peter Sage
Ed Mylett
Michael A Singer
Bruce Lipton
Brian Tracy

All Video Footage through Videoblocks, Filmpac and Artgrid.

Music provided by EMVN

For music submission: emvn.co/submitdemo
For partner enrollment: [email protected]
For license inquiry: [email protected]

Track list:
1. [00:00] Really Slow Motion Music - The World Needs Heroes
2. [03:54] Gothic Storm Music - Echoes Of The Mind
3. [07:20] Gothic Storm Music - Echoes Of The Mind

Follow artists
1. Really Slow Motion Music https://emvn.fanlink.to/ReallySlowMotion
2. Gothic Storm Music https://emvn.fanlink.to/GothicStorm

By: Law of Attraction Coaching
Title: DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND - New Motivational Video
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n7Wx9UNmwU