How To CONTROL Your Productivity | David Allen at Fifteen Seconds Festival 2019 in Graz, Austria

How To CONTROL Your Productivity | David Allen at Fifteen Seconds Festival 2019 in Graz, Austria

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How To CONTROL Your Productivity | David Allen at Fifteen Seconds Festival 2019 in Graz, Austria

A very practical guide by productivity consultant David Allen on how to control the productivity in your life. He is the creator of the world-renowned productivity method called "Get Things Done."


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Speaker: David Allen

Music Licensed by Agus Gonzalez-Lancharro
Music by Really Slow Motion
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Now life is coming at us like that, though,
and again to thread through it,
you're not born doing these practices.
But if you build in these practices, so they become habitual to you,
then you can surf on mind like water.

And I guarantee you, I spent thousands of hours, one on one, with some of the busiest,
best and brightest people on the planet,
walking them through this methodology to actually get them to implement this,
you're not born doing it.
Very simple steps you need to follow, there are five of them.
If you wanna get any situation more clear and under control,
very quickly, you need to capture stuff that's not on cruise control, s
tuff that has your attention,
you need to clarify exactly what you're gonna do about it, if anything,
organise the results in some trusted place
that you know you're gonna step back and reflect and review on the contents
and some appropriate recursion,
so that then when you engage your attention, your focus on your activities is done
from a place of trust, not hope.
That's it.
But these five steps have five very different best practices and different tools,
it's not all just one thing.
So, the first step you need to do is you need to grab stuff that's got your attention,
by the way I'm curious,
how many of you even for the few minutes we've been talking up here from this stage
have had your mind go somewhere that has absolutely nothing to do with what's going on in here?
Let's see.
Okay well, by the way, if where your head went
was doing creative developmental thinking, down track your brain hadn't been before
that was adding value to what you were thinking about, I'd go,
“dude, stay there, that's a cool place for your head to go!”
That's not where most of you went.
You went to something that you're not appropriately engaged with yet.
If you thought, “I need cat food,”
if that pops into your head more than once, you're not appropriately engaged with your cat.
So, you don't have to go very far
to see where to implement this, start to notice what's on your mind.
If you wanna clear it,
you better start to notice what has your attention.
And that could be cat food, it could be “I need to get a life,” “I need to get a wife,”
any of those.
If you can't do them the moment you think of it, that's something you better capture.
Collect what has your attention.
Little, big, personal or professional, doesn't matter.
Cat food will take up as much brain space as strategic plan at 3 o'clock in the morning
if it's just in your head.
So you gotta get it out, folks.
And if nothing else, you wanna do what we call a “mind sweep.”
Pen and paper, all you need. Just get that stuff out
and don't let it land in here.
That's a big habit to change, by the way.
As soon as you commit something to yourself or to somebody else,
you absolutely, if you're like me, you're gonna grab something, a little notepad
that I carry in my pocket, and write it down.
Now, if you stop there, you'll likely become a compulsive list-maker.
And that's not gonna help either, you'll have lists stuck all over god and creation out there.
hat's gonna suck right back up to your head if you do not move it to the next step,
which is to then get those captured things emptied.
And you get them emptied, not by necessarily throwing them away,
but by clarifying what they mean and what you're gonna do about them.
So, if I were sitting with you and you'd dump stuff out of your head,
then I'm gonna take each one of those and say, okay, “what is it, is it an actionable item (yes or no)?”
If it's not, it's either trash, reference material
or something to hold on for later review.
If it is actionable, you need to answer a very critical question,
what is the very next action you would need to take?
Very next action?
E-mail to send, something to buy at the store, something to talk to somebody about.
And once you decide that, you can either do the action, if it takes less than two minutes you should,
you can delegate it if you can give it to somebody else, that's helpful,
and if it's neither of those, you need to park it in some sort of inventory of all of your next actions

By: The Outcome
Title: How To CONTROL Your Productivity | David Allen at Fifteen Seconds Festival 2019 in Graz, Austria
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