"I AM EMBRACING ABUNDANCE" - Money Affirmations | Listen Before You Sleep! (528Hz)

"I AM EMBRACING ABUNDANCE" - Money Affirmations | Listen Before You Sleep! (528Hz)

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"I AM EMBRACING ABUNDANCE" - Money Affirmations | Listen Before You Sleep! (528Hz)
#abundanceaffirmations #moneyaffirmations
Mind Motivation Coaching Team

In the vast expanse of life, I acknowledge the ever-flowing river of abundance. Abundance is not just about material wealth but encompasses prosperity in all areas of my life.

With gratitude, I recognize that the universe is boundless, and I am an integral part of it. I allow the energy of abundance to permeate every facet of my existence.

I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me in the form of love, health, wealth, and opportunity. Each day, I welcome these blessings with an open heart and a positive spirit.

My thoughts resonate with the harmony of abundance. I release any self-limiting beliefs or doubts about wealth, and I replace them with a mindset of abundance. I understand that I am worthy of receiving and deserving of all the prosperity that flows into my life.

Opportunities abound, and I attract them effortlessly. My actions are aligned with the universal energy of abundance, leading me toward success and fulfillment in both my personal and professional life.

I trust in the abundance of the universe, confident that it will provide for me in every way. I accept the gifts and blessings that come my way with grace, humility, and appreciation.

Abundance manifests in various forms, often in ways that surprise and delight me. I am open to receiving these gifts, recognizing that they are a natural part of life's abundance.

I am a magnet for wealth, success, and happiness. My positive and optimistic mindset attracts opportunities and prosperity like a powerful force.

I contribute to the world in meaningful ways, knowing that abundance allows me to make a positive impact. As I embrace abundance, I, in turn, share it with others.

My life is a testament to the richness of the universe. I am a channel for the limitless flow of abundance, and I radiate abundance to all those I encounter.

In this journey of life, I wholeheartedly embrace abundance. It fills me with joy, purpose, and a deep sense of fulfillment. I am abundant, and abundance is me.

Many parts of this speech are all written, voiced and produced by us.

All Video Footage Licensed through Videoblocks, Filmpac and Artgrid.

Music provided by EMVN

Relaxed Mind - 528 Hz Whole Body Regeneration

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Thumbnail image is 100% owned by us (Mind Motivation Coaching Team)

By: Mind Motivation Coaching
Title: "I AM EMBRACING ABUNDANCE" - Money Affirmations | Listen Before You Sleep! (528Hz)
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT9edjH1BIs