Joe Rogan's Advice For Young People

Joe Rogan's Advice For Young People

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Joe Rogan's Advice For Young People

Joe Rogan shares his thoughts on what separates the great from the mediocre also offering some substantial advice that people can follow.

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Speaker: Joe Rogan

Music Licensed by Agus Gonzalez-Lancharro
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The hardest step is the first step.
It's not the 30th step or the 100th step, it's the fucking first one.
It's getting on the trail, getting going. It's the hardest thing.
The hardest weight to lift is the first one.
Because once you get going,
"okay, I'm a half-hour into my workout, I'm writing things down that I'm supposed to be doing,
now I got 20 chin-ups and then burpees..." You have to
do it. You just have to do it.

That discipline=freedom is one of the best catchphrases, it's so accurate.
It's so empowering.
Get your shit together and then the time that you have for recreation, you'll appreciate so much more.
You don't appreciate rest when you're fucking off all day.
You appreciate rest when you've worked hard.
That's when it means something to you, when you've accomplished goals,
that's when this celebration is something that, you get a good feeling from it.
I mean, I do a lot of shit.
The only way I could ever do as many different things as I do is if I just get after it.
I get after it pretty fucking good.
And I'm not insecure in that.
I mean, whether it's through martial arts or any kind of exercise or work,
I take pride in getting things done.
I take pride in working.
Especially working towards things that are important to me.
Whether it's working on my set, working on my stand up,
whether it's working on a podcast, whether it's working on my martial arts
or my fitness or yoga or whatever, I get after it man.
You've got to.
And for me, it's not a matter of whether or not it's an option, it's like brushing my teeth.
I don't decide one day, "ugh, I don't want to brush my teeth today..."
I just fucking brush my teeth.
And when there's days where I'm doing fasted cardio,
and that alarm goes off, it's not a matter of whether or not I shut the alarm off, that's not an option.
You get up, you put your fucking shoes on, you get the dog, and you go running.
Cause that's what you do.
And if you just decide that's what you do then you get things done.
And then a month later you're like, "oh, look, we did this all month."
And then six months later it's like, "oh, I did this half a year."
And then if you're doing jiujitsu you're like, "oh shit, look, I got a blue belt."
"Oh shit, now I'm a purple belt!"
And that's how you become a black belt.
It's never easy to do.
It gets a little bit easier when you get better at it
but then you just try harder and it makes it more difficult.
If you're always giving 100% effort, it's always going to be hard.
You take some pride in the fact that now I can go two miles through the hills
and reach the point of exhaustion where before it was one
or whatever your little progress markers are.
You get some satisfaction there.
But it's always difficult to get going.
The hardest step is the first step.
It's not the 30th step or the 100th step, it's the fucking first one.
It's getting on the trail, getting going. It's the hardest thing.
The hardest weight to lift is the first one.
Because once you get going,
"okay, I'm a half-hour into my workout, I'm writing things down that I'm supposed to be doing,
now I got 20 chin-ups and then burpees..." You have to
do it. You just have to do it.
And so many people have a hard time doing it.

By: The Outcome
Title: Joe Rogan's Advice For Young People
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