RISE AND GRIND MENTALITY - Motivational Speech Positive Thinking
#riseandgrind #motivationalspeech #positivethinking
Mind Motivation Coaching Team
Jordan Peterson
Les Brown
Mel Robbins
David Goggins
Steve Harvey
William Hollis
John Maxvell
Earl Nightigale
Many parts of this speech are all written, voiced and produced by us.
All Video Footage Licensed through Videoblocks, Filmpac and Artgrid.
Music provided by EMVN
For music submission: emvn.co/submitdemo
For partner enrollment: [email protected]
For license inquiry: [email protected]
Track list
1. [00:00] Really Slow Motion Music - Born To Prevail
2. [03:10] Atom Music Audio - You Win Or Die
3. [06:15] Atom Music Audio - Eagle View
4. [09:27] Really Slow Motion Music - Fjord Keeper
Follow artists
1. Really Slow Motion Music https://emvn.fanlink.to/ReallySlowMotion
2. Atom Music Audio https://emvn.fanlink.to/AtomMusicAudio
Envato - Emotional Dramatic Piano
Thumbnail image is 100% owned by us (Mind Motivation Coaching Team)
By: Mind Motivation Coaching
Title: RISE AND GRIND MENTALITY - Motivational Speech Positive Thinking
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFmqQmf2Wvo
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