Stoicism Quotes on Progress and Perception #stoicismquotes#powerofthought #selfimprovement

Stoicism Quotes on Progress and Perception #stoicismquotes#powerofthought #selfimprovement

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Stoicism Quotes on Progress and Perception #stoicismquotes#powerofthought #selfimprovement

When you decide that something must be done, then do it without ever being shy that you’re seen doing it, even if many people will think differently about it. Because if you’re doing something that’s not right, avoid doing it; but if it is right, why would you be anxious of those that reproach you wrongly.

If you want to make progress, put up with being perceived as ignorant or naive in worldly matters, don't aspire to a reputation for sagacity. If you do impress others as somebody, don't altogether believe it. You have to realize, it isn't easy to keep your will in agreement with nature, as well as externals. Caring about the one inevitably means you are going to shortchange the other.

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By: Law of Attraction Coaching
Title: Stoicism Quotes on Progress and Perception #stoicismquotes#powerofthought #selfimprovement
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