Jordan Peterson demonstrates how by implementing incremental improvement in our day to day lives, we can achieve exponential growth.
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Speaker: Jordan Peterson
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Incremental improvement is unstoppable.
You can actually implement it and it starts to generate
Pareto distribution like consequences, it starts to compound.
And I've seen that happen in people's lives,
people write me all the time and tell me that they're doing that,
but I've seen that happen in people's lives continually.
There's always going to be people around that are better at something than you are,
and that's a that's a problem because you can get jealous
and you can get bitter and you can get resentful
and worse, you can get hopeless.
And this is something I've had to work out a lot as a clinical psychologist.
It's like, well,
let's say you need a goal,
but we don't want to let your distance from the goal crush you.
So you've got to set up a goal and then you got to make the goal,
break the goal down into parts so that you can move towards it,
you have a fairly high likelihood of doing it.
So that's a bit of practical I wouldn't say advice,
because it's better than advice,
it's some practical knowledge about how to go about achieving an aim.
Set a high aim, but differentiated down so you know what the next step is
and then make the next step difficult enough
so you have to push yourself past where you are,
but also provide yourself with a reasonable probability of success.
It's also what you do with children, right?
You want to push them because they need to grow up and be more than they are,
but you don't want to crush them with constant failure.
So what you do is aim high and make the goal difficult but proximal.
So anyways, so that's one way of looking at it.
But then the next thing is, you know,
I've had clients, many clients in their 30s who are trying to,
this is more true with women I would say,
a lot of women who are very high achieving,
who established their career goals at 30
and then want to differentiate their life,
they want to have a husband, they want to have a family,
they're trying to figure out how to do that.
And one of the things I've noticed that around 30,
you really have to stop comparing yourself in some ways to other people.
And the reason for that is that the particularities of your life are so idiosyncratic
that there isn't anyone really all that much like you,
you know, because the details of your life happen to matter.
And so maybe you compare yourself to some rock star or something like that
and you know, the person is rich and famous and glamorous and all that,
but they're alcoholic and they use too much cocaine and they've had three divorces,
and it's like, how the hell do you make sense out of that?
Is that someone that you should judge yourself harshly against or not?
The answer is you don't know because you don't know all the details of their lives.
And who do you know that you can compare yourself to?
That's easy.
You, yesterday.
So here's a good goal, it's something like,
well, aim high and I really mean that,
aim high, but use as your control yourself.
So your goal is to make today some tiny increment better than yesterday.
And you can use better you can define better yourself,
this doesn't have to be some imposition of external morality,
you know where you're weak and insufficient, where you could improve.
“Ok, well, this is what I'm like yesterday,
if I did this little thing, things would be just an increment better”.
And that's a great thing because you get the ball rolling
and incremental improvement is unstoppable.
You can actually implement it and it starts to generate
Pareto distribution like consequences, it starts to compound.
And I've seen that happen in people's lives,
people write all the time and tell me that they're doing that,
but I've seen that happen in people's lives continually.
They make a goal, the goal should be,
“how could I conceive up my life so that if I had that life
it would clearly be worth living, so I wouldn't have to be bitter,
resentful, deceitful, arrogant and vengeful?”.
Like, that's sort of the bottom line.
Because that's what endless failure does to you.
It's not good.
And that's what life without purpose and a goal does to you as well
because life is very hard, so you think,
By: The Outcome
Title: "THIS IS BETTER THAN ADVICE" | Jordan Peterson
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=akNHr4ZQdvk
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