If you think these Lizards are just long-lost friends reuniting and hugging it out– guess again. Yup, in reality these Monitor Lizards are fighting for Dominance.
The animal world is so diverse that every animal has its own unique combat style–especially when fighting for dominance or mating rights.
Yup, the phrase ‘the birds and the bees’ will soon have a very different meaning once you get through this video.
Today, we’ll be looking at why these lovely Comodo dragons are totally NOT hugging at all; the perverted things Kiwi birds get up to when they hear females singing; and how these creepy spiders send each other love letters by giving awkward tap dancing performances.
Alright, here are some of the seriously Unusual Ways Animals Fight for Dominance!
By: 4 Ever Green
Title: The Real Reason These Lizards Are Hugging
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVenDm0IPK4
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