11:11Motivational MessagesANGELS AMONG US | God's Angels Guard You Wherever You Go - Inspirational & Motivational VideoSeptember 22, 202421,505
9:26Motivational MessagesBEWARE OF PRIDE | Be Humble - Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 20, 20236,605
48Motivational MessagesThis Is Going To Be A Great Day - Morning Inspiration & MotivationFebruary 19, 20236,754
1:00Motivational MessagesFear Comes From Uncertainty - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 19, 20231,122
57Motivational MessagesGo Forward - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 18, 20231,887
34Motivational MessagesNothing Changes Unless You Change - Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 16, 20232,060
35Motivational MessagesLet God Be God - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 15, 20232,372
8:48Motivational MessagesTRUSTING GOD IN TRIALS | Learn From The Hard Times - Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 13, 20235,305
43Motivational MessagesWake Up & Slay Giants - Morning Inspiration & MotivationFebruary 11, 20235,038
1:00Motivational MessagesAnchor Your Life In Your Future - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 11, 2023743
57Motivational MessagesStop Making Excuses - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 9, 20231,595
39Motivational MessagesDefeat Your Giants - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 4, 20231,745
59Motivational MessagesThis Is Worse Than Death - Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 3, 20232,400
12:23Motivational MessagesDON'T QUIT ON YOUR DREAMS | Believe In Your Dreams Again - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 30, 20237,097
48Motivational MessagesLive With Gratitude - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 26, 20231,184
13:11Motivational MessagesWHO YOU SURROUND YOURSELF WITH MATTERS | Bad Company Corrupts - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 25, 202326,405
12:18Motivational MessagesNO MORE EXCUSES | Do It Now - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 22, 202357,855
36Motivational MessagesStep Out In Faith - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 21, 202312,425
10:41Motivational MessagesWAITING FOR YOUR MIRACLE | Trust God In The Waiting - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 21, 202371,979
1:00Motivational MessagesGod Works While You Wait - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 19, 20232,668
55Motivational MessagesGod's Always Working - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 8, 202311,293
11:46Motivational MessagesTIME FOR CHANGE | New Year, New Mindset - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 4, 202371,482
41Motivational MessagesDon't Live Someone Else's Life - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 28, 20221,236
1:38Motivational MessagesSTART THE NEW YEAR WITH GOD | 2023 New Year’s Motivation - 1 Hour Powerful MotivationDecember 27, 20225,909
8:21Motivational MessagesTHE GREATEST GIFT EVER GIVEN | A Savior Is Born - Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 19, 20225,358
53Motivational MessagesDon't Let The Devil Ruin Your Day - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 16, 20226,287
12:06Motivational MessagesKNOW YOUR ENEMY | Understanding The Devil - Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 12, 20226,622
38Motivational MessagesIs Fear Holding You Back - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 8, 20221,472
16:30Motivational MessagesFACE FEAR WITH COURAGE | Never Let Fear Hold You Back - Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 7, 202238,626
59Motivational MessagesYou Are Not A Failure - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 1, 20221,664
17:42Motivational MessagesGOD USES HARD TIMES TO HELP US GROW | Embrace The Hard Times - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 29, 202231,841
39Motivational MessagesThe Battle Is The Lord's - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 27, 20221,238
9:48Motivational MessagesBE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS | God Is With You - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 23, 202233,562
54Motivational MessagesYou Control Your Mind - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 23, 20225,999
44Motivational MessagesGod Is With You - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 20, 20221,343
47Motivational MessagesDoing This Will Change Your World - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 19, 202213,046
41Motivational MessagesCooperate With God Not The Devil - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 17, 20221,820
22:36Motivational MessagesHAVE YOU COMMITTED THE UNFORGIVABLE SIN? - Unpardonable Sin | Blasphemy Against The Holy SpiritNovember 15, 202216,538
8:27Motivational MessagesSURRENDER YOUR WORRIES TO GOD | Live In Peace - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 13, 202268,312
51Motivational MessagesChange Your Thinking - Christian Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 13, 2022962
44Motivational MessagesEvery Day Is A Fresh Start - Morning Inspiration & MotivationNovember 12, 20228,207
53Motivational MessagesYour Future Is Brighter Than Your Past - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 10, 20221,317
1:00Motivational MessagesLord, Keep Me From The Evil Of The Day - Morning Inspiration & MotivationNovember 6, 202211,633
12:29Motivational MessagesENJOY THE JOURNEY | Find Happiness In Simple Things - Inspirational & Motivational VideoOctober 31, 20227,229
8:15Motivational MessagesGOD’S GOT YOU | Trust God & Don’t Worry - Inspirational & Motivational VideoOctober 24, 20222,664
12:24Motivational MessagesENJOY EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE | Start Living Your Life Now - Morning Inspiration To Motivate YouOctober 17, 20226,172
12:31Motivational MessagesLET GO OF CONTROL | Trust God Is In Control - Inspirational & Motivational VideoOctober 10, 20226,459
10:01Motivational MessagesWHEN YOU FEEL LIKE QUITTING | God Will Bring You Through - Inspirational & Motivational VideoOctober 3, 20225,616
8:34Motivational MessagesFACING LIFE’S GIANTS | God Is Bigger Than Your Giant - Inspirational & Motivational VideoSeptember 26, 20223,686
10:46Motivational MessagesCONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS | Stay Consistent & The Results Will Follow - Motivational VideoSeptember 21, 202250,673
19:41Motivational MessagesCOMPARISON IS THE THIEF OF JOY | Don’t Compare Yourself To Others - Inspirational Motivational VideoSeptember 14, 202245,386
15:51Motivational MessagesOVERCOMING NEGATIVE THINKING | Let God Renew Your Mind - Inspirational & Motivational VideoSeptember 6, 202210,051
13:04Motivational MessagesWAKE UP AND SEE GOD’S BLESSINGS | DECIDE TO ENJOY THIS DAY - Morning Inspiration To Motivate YouSeptember 3, 2022107,160
10:41Motivational MessagesFOR EVERY SETBACK GOD HAS A COMEBACK | Get Back Up - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 23, 202241,349
12:10Motivational MessagesWORRY IS A THIEF | Overcoming Worry With God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 15, 20227,111
16:44Motivational MessagesWHY AM I HERE? | Finding Purpose In God's Plan - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 8, 20227,059
16:38Motivational MessagesWHEN GOD MAKES YOU WAIT | Learning To Trust God’s Timing - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 1, 20227,356
12:45Motivational MessagesLET GO | God Has Something Better - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 26, 202250,074
8:52Motivational MessagesGOD IS WITH YOU IN DIFFICULT TIMES | Don’t Quit - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 18, 20227,381
9:02Motivational MessagesWHEN LIFE HITS YOU | Don’t Give Up - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 16, 202254,680
24:01Motivational MessagesCAST ALL YOUR ANXIETY ON GOD | Pray When Anxiety Overwhelms - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 5, 20225,385
14:50Motivational MessagesTHANK GOD EVERY MORNING | Wake Up With Gratitude - Morning Inspiration To Motivate Your DayJune 29, 202241,343
8:25Motivational MessagesOVERCOME VICTIM MENTALITY | Develop A Victor Not A Victim Mindset - Inspirational Motivational VideoJune 18, 202245,445
8:02Motivational MessagesREMEMBER THE DREAM GOD PUT IN YOUR HEART | Believe Again - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJune 6, 20229,342
5:36Motivational MessagesTHE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD | Powerful Billy Graham Speech - Inspirational Motivational VideoMay 31, 202217,925
10:02Motivational MessagesMINDSET IS EVERYTHING | Nothing Changes Until Your Mind Changes - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 23, 20229,207
17:14Motivational MessagesWHEN DID WE STOP DREAMING? | Start Dreaming Again - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 18, 202233,071
11:39Motivational MessagesSEE YOURSELF WITH LOVE | Love Yourself The Way God Loves You - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 10, 202229,019
10:01Motivational MessagesYOU ARE WHO GOD SAYS YOU ARE | Discover Who God Made You To Be - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 3, 202224,734
8:02Motivational MessagesDO NOT QUIT | Keep Showing Up - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 26, 202228,693
13:27Motivational MessagesYOU ARE VALUABLE | Parable Of The Lost Sheep - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 19, 202225,780
9:21Motivational MessagesWALK BY FAITH | Trust God Even When You Don’t Understand - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 12, 202241,767
1:01Motivational MessagesPOSITIVE CHRISTIAN INSPIRATION | Start Your Day With God - 1 Hour Morning Prayer & BlessingsApril 4, 20227,490
14:27Motivational MessagesHOW TO HAVE REAL SUCCESS IN LIFE | Understand This And You Will Be Successful - Motivational VideoMarch 30, 202244,214
11:25Motivational MessagesSTRUGGLING WITH DOUBT | Trust God Even If You Don’t Understand - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMarch 22, 202229,523
13:20Motivational MessagesUNDERSTANDING GOD’S WILL | Knowing What God Wants You To Do - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMarch 15, 202246,020
8:02Motivational MessagesSTART YOUR DAY WITH PRAYER | Seek God First - Morning Inspiration To Motivate Your DayMarch 7, 20227,240
18:01Motivational MessagesDELAY IS NOT DENIAL | Trust God’s Timing - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMarch 2, 202245,897
15:46Motivational MessagesMOVE FORWARD | Your Future Is Bigger Than Your Past - Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 21, 20227,725
9:21Motivational MessagesDARE TO DREAM BIG | Anything Is Possible With God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 16, 202217,742
11:41Motivational MessagesDON’T LET FEAR HOLD YOU BACK | Move Forward In Faith - Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 9, 202253,889
10:01Motivational MessagesSTART YOUR DAY WITH HAPPINESS | Every Day Decide To Be Happy - Morning Inspiration To Motivate YouFebruary 1, 202243,854
14:54Motivational MessagesWINNING THE BATTLE OF THE MIND | Change Your Thinking - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 24, 20228,353
14:01Motivational MessagesFAITH TO MOVE MOUNTAINS | Believe God Can Do It - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 18, 20225,630
24:16Motivational MessagesDON’T STOP DREAMING | Let Go Of The Past & Step Into The Future - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 10, 20228,917
8:37Motivational MessagesGOD IS DOING A NEW THING | Start Fresh With God This New Year - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJanuary 3, 202212,517
1:06Motivational MessagesSTART THE NEW YEAR WITH GOD | 2022 NEW YEAR’S MOTIVATION - 1 Hour Powerful MotivationDecember 29, 202131,240
9:26Motivational MessagesTHE POWER OF KINDNESS | Be Kind & Encourage Others - Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 21, 202117,796
16:11Motivational MessagesFACE YOUR FEARS WITH FAITH | Quit Living In Fear - Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 14, 20211,627
23:31Motivational MessagesBELIEVE GOD FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE | Step Out In Faith - Inspirational & Motivational VideoDecember 8, 202162,209
16:50Motivational MessagesKNOWING GOD’S WILL FOR YOUR LIFE | Trust God’s Plan - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 30, 202143,673
8:20Motivational MessagesNEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS | God Does The Impossible - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 22, 202110,370
14:46Motivational MessagesOVERCOME WORRY WITH WORSHIP | Peace Over Anxiety - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 16, 20216,243
8:51Motivational MessagesPRAY BIG PRAYERS | Dare To Ask Big - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 9, 202110,956
12:31Motivational MessagesEVERY DAY GOD GIVES US A FRESH START | Get Up & Never Give Up! - Morning Inspiration To Motivate YouNovember 2, 202110,400
9:16Motivational MessagesGOD WILL PROVIDE | Overcoming Anxiety - Inspirational & Motivational VideoOctober 26, 20219,983
10:28Motivational MessagesTHE PRIORITY OF PRAYER | It Begins With Prayer - Inspirational & Motivational VideoOctober 18, 20215,797
17:11Motivational MessagesGOD IS BIGGER THAN YOUR GIANT | Focus On How Big Your God Is - Inspirational & Motivational VideoOctober 11, 20217,744
8:45Motivational MessagesDON’T LIMIT GOD | We Serve A Limitless God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoOctober 4, 20218,063
8:19Motivational MessagesTHE POWER OF HOPE | Dare To Believe - Inspirational & Motivational VideoSeptember 27, 202122,866
8:14Motivational MessagesONE DAY AT A TIME | Make Your Time Count - Inspirational & Motivational VideoSeptember 21, 202110,555
11:48Motivational MessagesPUT YOUR TRUST IN GOD | Let God Direct Your Path - Inspirational & Motivational VideoSeptember 14, 20217,578
15:11Motivational MessagesOVERCOMING THE PAST | Letting Go of Hurt - Inspirational & Motivational VideoSeptember 7, 20216,008
8:14Motivational MessagesMAKE TIME FOR GOD WHEN LIFE IS BUSY | Rest In Jesus - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 31, 20216,498
11:22Motivational MessagesBE HUMBLE | Resist Pride In Your Life - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 24, 20219,480
8:16Motivational MessagesRUN YOUR RACE | Stop Comparing Yourself To Others - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 19, 202112,438
11:12Motivational MessagesGOD WORKS WHILE WE WAIT | Trust God’s Timing - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 16, 202111,322
11:51Motivational MessagesGIVE ALL YOUR WORRIES AND ANXIETIES TO GOD | Overcome Worry With Prayer - Inspirational VideoAugust 9, 202111,201
12:08Motivational MessagesYOUR PAIN HAS A PURPOSE | Trust God’s Plan Not Your Pain - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 7, 202170,338
8:09Motivational MessagesPRAISE GOD IN THE PIT | Choose Hope Not Despair - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 7, 202137,898
8:18Motivational MessagesGOD IS WITH YOU IN THE VALLEY | You Are Never Alone - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 20, 202117,097
4:47Motivational MessagesSTART TODAY BLESSED | Stay In Peace - Morning Inspiration to Motivate Your DayJuly 14, 202162,417
1:02Motivational MessagesTRUST GOD | 1 Hour Powerful Christian Motivation - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 12, 20216,993
8:22Motivational MessagesTRUST GOD IN THE DARKNESS | God Is With You - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 7, 202164,362
12:11Motivational MessagesDON’T GIVE UP, LOOK UP | Focus On God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 7, 202127,782
4:54Motivational MessagesPLACE GOD FIRST | God Over Everything - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJune 27, 202151,088
8:01Motivational MessagesBELIEVE IN YOUR DREAMS | Nothing Is Impossible - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJune 27, 202146,927
12:16Motivational MessagesDON’T BE AFRAID TO STEP OUT IN FAITH | Take The Risk - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJune 26, 202160,564
5:06Motivational MessagesPRIORITIZE WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT | Use Your Time Effectively - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJune 7, 20219,190
12:38Motivational MessagesWHEN YOU FEEL OVERWHELMED | The Battle Is The Lord’s - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJune 5, 2021150,078
9:26Motivational MessagesMEET WITH GOD FIRST | Make God Your First Priority - Morning Inspiration to Motivate Your DayJune 4, 2021194,851
13:43Motivational MessagesWAITING ON GOD | Trust God Is Working - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJune 3, 2021252,354
11:19Motivational MessagesTHE POWER OF VISION | Vision Determines Focus - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJune 2, 202128,922
12:32Motivational MessagesFRESH START WITH GOD | Put God First Every Day - Morning Inspiration to Motivate Your DayMay 30, 2021210,176
1:1:05Motivational MessagesSEEK GOD FIRST | 1 Hour Powerful Motivation - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 29, 20211,237,490
13:05Motivational MessagesTRUST IN GOD WHEN YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND | Hope In Uncertainty - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 29, 2021367,716
10:56Motivational MessagesREFUSE TO QUIT | Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 27, 202137,760
14:39Motivational MessagesNEVER QUIT | God Will Bring You Through It - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 23, 2021220,213
12:01Motivational MessagesDON’T QUIT | Trust God When Times Are Hard - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 22, 2021326,817
8:01Motivational MessagesSTRENGTH FOR TODAY | Wake Up & See God’s Blessings Every Day - Morning InspirationMay 22, 2021301,628
10:47Motivational MessagesFINDING PEACE IN TIMES OF STRESS & WORRY | Give It To God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 20, 2021259,090
10:15Motivational MessagesGOD’S TESTING | Trust God Through The Trial - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 19, 2021267,445
23:14Motivational MessagesGET OUT OF THE BOAT | Fear Not And Step Out In Faith - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 18, 202119,523
9:01Motivational MessagesTAKE IT TO GOD FIRST | Seek God’s Direction - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 16, 2021213,660
8:27Motivational MessagesTAKE THE LIMITS OFF OF GOD | Believe Big - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 15, 2021120,489
8:22Motivational MessagesSTRENGTH TO OVERCOME | Be Strong In The Lord - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 15, 2021133,264
16:37Motivational MessagesDEFEATING DISCOURAGEMENT | You Only Fail If You Quit - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 14, 202139,605
10:11Motivational MessagesJESUS BREAKS EVERY CHAIN | Break Free From What’s Holding You Back - Inspirational & MotivationalMay 13, 202121,909
8:06Motivational MessagesFEARLESS FAITH | Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 9, 202197,594
18:31Motivational MessagesSATAN’S STRATEGY | Overcoming The Devil - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 8, 202198,347
8:54Motivational MessagesTHANK GOD IN ADVANCE | God Will Do It - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 8, 2021305,499
9:10Motivational MessagesAMBASSADOR FOR CHRIST | Tell The World About Jesus! - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 7, 202144,234
8:22Motivational MessagesBREAK FREE FROM WORRY & ANXIETY | Let God Handle It - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 6, 202133,474
8:22Motivational MessagesWHEN GOD IS SILENT | Stay Strong - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 2, 202158,622
14:20Motivational MessagesFAILURE IS NOT FINAL | Never Give Up - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 1, 202131,334
11:26Motivational MessagesIDENTITY IN CHRIST | You Are Who God Says You Are - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 25, 202176,021
14:27Motivational MessagesNEVER GIVE UP | Greatness Is Born From Consistency - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 25, 2021102,663
13:40Motivational MessagesDO YOU TRUST GOD | Keeping Your Faith During Hard Times - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 24, 2021127,424
14:08Motivational MessagesDON’T WORRY GOD’S GOT THIS | Trust God Is In Control - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 24, 2021211,906
16:53Motivational MessagesFINDING PEACE AMIDST WORRY & ANXIETY | Put It In God’s Hands - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 21, 202141,449
15:46Motivational MessagesPUT GOD FIRST IN YOUR LIFE | Seek First The Kingdom of God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 18, 2021166,386
8:25Motivational MessagesGOD IS A WAY MAKER | God Will Make A Way - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 17, 2021143,250
13:11Motivational MessagesHOPE IN THE STORM | Hope Anchored In Jesus - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 17, 202132,444
11:33Motivational MessagesGOD CAN DO ANYTHING | Trust God Can Do It - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 14, 2021126,871
13:27Motivational MessagesWHEN GOD CLOSES A DOOR | Overcoming Disappointment - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 12, 202122,466
1:22Motivational MessagesMORNING ENCOURAGEMENT | Start Your Day With God’s Blessings - 1 Hour Morning Inspiration to MotivateApril 11, 2021262,801
8:02Motivational MessagesWITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE | Never Lose Hope - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 10, 2021101,880
10:45Motivational MessagesGIVE GOD FIRST PLACE | Make Time For God Every Day - Morning Inspiration to Motivate Your DayApril 10, 202194,796
11:54Motivational MessagesGOD’S TIMING IS ALWAYS PERFECT | Nothing Is Too Hard For God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 9, 2021186,656
11:01Motivational MessagesTRUST GOD IN TIMES OF TROUBLE | God Is With You Always - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 8, 202110,640
12:06Motivational MessagesTRUST GOD ALWAYS | Trust Even In Hard Times - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 5, 202116,250
13:31Motivational MessagesPRAY BOLD PRAYERS | We Serve A Big God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 4, 202173,195
9:10Motivational MessagesLET GOD FIGHT YOUR BATTLES | Let Go & Let God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 3, 202155,724