8:48Motivational MessagesTRUSTING GOD IN TRIALS | Learn From The Hard Times - Inspirational & Motivational VideoFebruary 13, 20235,305
8:38Motivational MessagesPICK YOURSELF UP AND KEEP GOING - Powerful Motivational SpeechDecember 20, 202228,364
17:42Motivational MessagesGOD USES HARD TIMES TO HELP US GROW | Embrace The Hard Times - Inspirational & Motivational VideoNovember 29, 202231,841
8:07Motivational MessagesWHEN IT HURTS II - Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Coach Pain)November 8, 202218,446
8:52Motivational MessagesGET UP, GET AFTER IT, NO MORE EXCUSES - Powerful Motivational Speech (Featuring Marcus A. Taylor)October 14, 202216,849
9:24Motivational MessagesDON'T GIVE UP, NO MATTER HOW HARD IT GETS - Motivational Speech (Coach Pain)October 11, 202218,932
10:01Motivational MessagesWHEN YOU FEEL LIKE QUITTING | God Will Bring You Through - Inspirational & Motivational VideoOctober 3, 20225,616
10:46Motivational MessagesCONSISTENCY IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS | Stay Consistent & The Results Will Follow - Motivational VideoSeptember 21, 202250,673
9:33Motivational MessagesAS LONG AS THERE IS BREATH IN YOUR BODY - Powerful Motivational SpeechSeptember 3, 202253,010
8:16Motivational MessagesLISTEN, FOCUS, GET IT DONE - Powerful Motivational Speech (Featuring Marcus Elevation Taylor)August 31, 202263,584
10:41Motivational MessagesFOR EVERY SETBACK GOD HAS A COMEBACK | Get Back Up - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 23, 202241,349
8:52Motivational MessagesGOD IS WITH YOU IN DIFFICULT TIMES | Don’t Quit - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 18, 20227,381
9:02Motivational MessagesWHEN LIFE HITS YOU | Don’t Give Up - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 16, 202254,680
11:21Motivational MessagesWHEN LIFE HURTS - Best Motivational Speech (Featuring Inky Johnson)June 28, 202223,219
3:14:04Motivational MessagesTHE GAME CHANGER - Best Motivational Speeches Compilation (Marcus A. Taylor FULL ALBUM 3 HOUR)June 18, 202223,132
9:48Motivational MessagesCHOOSE YOUR HARD - Powerful Motivational Speech on the PAIN OF DISCIPLINE (Marcus Elevation Taylor)June 18, 2022112,339
9:18Motivational MessagesLIVE FULL DIE EMPTY - Powerful Motivational Speech (Featuring Cole "The Wolf" DaSilva)June 10, 202213,958
8:42Motivational MessagesNO QUIT MENTALITY - Powerful Motivational Speech (Featuring Marcus Elevation Taylor)June 7, 202233,249
10:04Motivational MessagesOUTWORK EVERYONE, HARD WORK BEATS TALENT EVERY TIME - Best Motivational SpeechJune 3, 202215,771
11:11Motivational MessagesI AM NOT WHERE I WANT TO BE, BUT I'LL GET THERE - Motivational Speech (Coach Pain)May 19, 20221,716
8:02Motivational MessagesTHE HUSTLER'S MINDSET, THERE ARE NO EXCUSES - Motivational Speech (Marcus Elevation Taylor)May 6, 202227,362
10:47Motivational MessagesDON'T QUIT - Best Motivational Speech (Featuring Coach Jae)May 3, 202219,462
8:02Motivational MessagesDO NOT QUIT | Keep Showing Up - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 26, 202228,693
8:43Motivational MessagesEVERY SINGLE DAY MENTALITY, NO EXCUSES - Motivational Speech (Marcus Elevation Taylor)April 8, 202235,064
31:17Motivational MessagesBest Motivational Speech Compilation EVER #29 - GREATNESS | 30-Minutes of the Best MotivationApril 5, 202213,733
10:05Motivational MessagesEVERYBODY DIES, BUT NOT EVERYBODY LIVES - Best Motivational Speech (ft. Walter Bond & Coach Pain)March 22, 202225,566
6:40Motivational MessagesRISE AND FIGHT - "Eye of the Storm" | Military MotivationMarch 11, 202214,746
9:04Motivational MessagesWORK HARD IN SILENCE, SHOCK THEM WITH YOUR SUCCESS - Motivational Speech (Marcus Elevation Taylor)March 1, 202243,743
4:48Motivational MessagesREPEAT OR EVOLVE - Powerful Motivational Speech (Featuring Cole "The Wolf" DaSilva")February 18, 202218,524
8:15Motivational MessagesDON'T DOUBT ME - Motivational Speech 2022 (Featuring Coach Pain)January 21, 202220,814
8:07Motivational MessagesWHEN LIFE KNOCKS YOU - Powerful Motivational Speech on GETTING BACK UPDecember 31, 202116,714
8:24Motivational MessagesPROVE THEM WRONG - Motivational Speech for 2022 (Featuring Coach Pain)December 28, 202119,995
3:54Motivational MessagesF*** YOUR EXCUSES - Powerful Motivational Speech (Featuring Cole "The Wolf" DaSilva")December 13, 20211,983
11:35Motivational MessagesI MUST KEEP GOING - Powerful Motivational Speech on PERSPECTIVE (Featuring Marcus Elevation Taylor)November 15, 20213,456
9:00Motivational MessagesBEAST MODE - Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Coach Pain)October 12, 202110,509
15:11Motivational MessagesOVERCOMING THE PAST | Letting Go of Hurt - Inspirational & Motivational VideoSeptember 7, 20216,008
12:08Motivational MessagesYOUR PAIN HAS A PURPOSE | Trust God’s Plan Not Your Pain - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 7, 202170,338
8:09Motivational MessagesPRAISE GOD IN THE PIT | Choose Hope Not Despair - Inspirational & Motivational VideoAugust 7, 202137,898
8:18Motivational MessagesGOD IS WITH YOU IN THE VALLEY | You Are Never Alone - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 20, 202117,097
8:22Motivational MessagesTRUST GOD IN THE DARKNESS | God Is With You - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 7, 202164,362
12:11Motivational MessagesDON’T GIVE UP, LOOK UP | Focus On God - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJuly 7, 202127,782
8:49Motivational MessagesUNDERDOG MENTALITY - Powerful Motivational Speech (Featuring Marcus A Taylor)July 3, 202164,793
11:19Motivational MessagesTHE POWER OF VISION | Vision Determines Focus - Inspirational & Motivational VideoJune 2, 202128,922
10:56Motivational MessagesREFUSE TO QUIT | Get Back Up When Life Knocks You Down - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 27, 202137,760
14:39Motivational MessagesNEVER QUIT | God Will Bring You Through It - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 23, 2021220,213
12:01Motivational MessagesDON’T QUIT | Trust God When Times Are Hard - Inspirational & Motivational VideoMay 22, 2021326,817
9:54Motivational MessagesBE TOUGHER THAN YOUR LIFE IS - Powerful Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Coach Pain)May 21, 202110,215
10:11Motivational MessagesJESUS BREAKS EVERY CHAIN | Break Free From What’s Holding You Back - Inspirational & MotivationalMay 13, 202121,909
14:27Motivational MessagesNEVER GIVE UP | Greatness Is Born From Consistency - Inspirational & Motivational VideoApril 25, 2021102,663